Writing in our world:
In the past year a very important presidential election has
taken place. With every election comes negative adds, guessing poll numbers,
political arguing talk shows and comedian field days making fun of those in the
spot light and, of course, online posts from everyone voicing their opinions. I
try to stay out of online commenting during these times as much as possible. Please
do not take this to mean that I think it is not okay to voice your opinion,
quite the opposite really. I am extremely proud and honored to have the freedom
of speaking publicly in opposition of the government without fear of
persecution. It is a great privilege that we have in our country. In some other
countries if you speak negatively about the government or the leaders in power
you might be thrown in jail or possibly worse. In this country we can not only
do this without worry but we also have many mediums to voice our opinions. We
have chat rooms, social media sites, newspapers, magazines, television, and on
and on. Anyone can start a blog or website or post messages on social media
sites. Because we can all do this does not mean however, that we should use the
internet as a way to verbally shame others, bully others or spread hate. It is
never okay to call others names or call them stupid because they disagree with
you. We are all human and we all have our own feelings, opinions, hopes, dreams
and values. For someone to say that your feelings are wrong just because they
disagree with them is shameful. And for people to hide behind a computer screen
or phone screen and feel that it is okay to say horrible things to others is
wrong. I think that people should never say anything online that you wouldn’t
feel comfortable saying in person. Have decorum and be respectful of others, I
don’t think that is too much to ask.
In my novels, I have created a world of many different
races, religions and backgrounds. I talk about how we each have a part to play
in our world’s destiny and how only by working together and focusing on our
commonalities, not our differences, can we change the world in positive ways.
My characters often discuss the fact that they have different ways of thinking
or may have had different experiences from one another that cause them to think
or feel as they do. They do not let this stand in the way of working cohesively
together. They discuss their differences, say their peace respectfully and then
either let the topic go or discuss where they go from here to make a positive
change for all. And they do the right thing and apologize for hurting someone’s
feelings when they do so. I wrote these novels in the hopes that I can spread
that positive message to others. I want people to be able to look beyond our
differences and see that we each have strengths, intelligence, and experiences
that are useful in our own special ways. We need to be willing to work together
however to make changes to the society as a whole.
The funny thing is I started writing this novel in 2007, two
different presidents ago. I saw back then and even way before then, serious
divides in our country. There were changes of attitudes and negative opinions
that were only spreading and getting worse and fueling hatred between different
groups. I had hoped that our society would get better, become closer, and learn
to spread joy and love. In a lot of ways this has not happened, but in some
ways it has. Over the past ten years we have made some positive, loving changes
within our society that are a good thing. I think if we can continue to support
each other, help one another, stand up for what we believe in peacefully, and
shine the light on the positive things we are accomplishing then our world can
get better. It can heal and problems can be fixed.
Everyone should ask themselves, what positive things can I do that can make positive changes. Don’t
wait for anyone to tell you that you can volunteer your time or help other
people, just do it and don’t ask what you can get out of it, do it because it
is a nice thing to do. And please remember when you write, no matter what time
of writing, you are spreading a message. For me, writing not only equals
happiness, it is my way of spreading it. I hope dear readers you will spread
happiness and love too. Until next time remember, writing=happiness ;).