Watching Magic Happen:

Watching Magic Happen:

Last night I was laying in my bed reading, like I have many other nights, but this time my face held a smile as big as a crescent moon, why? Because for the first time I was reading and holding in my hand, a book unlike any other. It was a book that had my name on the cover, my picture in the back pages and my characters throughout the pages. Yes dear readers, for the first time, I held the printed version of my very own novel. It is a surreal and humbling feeling to hold your dream realized in your hands. What made it even more special was seeing the reaction that I had had from friends, family, and even more exciting, strangers, (I like to think of them as soon to be friends) on my online accounts. Within ten minutes of posting my news online, I had bunches of new followers on Twitter and people re-tweeting my news and congratulating me. I had a conversation with a fellow writer, I didn’t know in Australia, what an honor. I am so grateful to those who are taking an interest in me and in my book.

I was not a mother when I wrote The Burden of Destiny, like I am now, but I wrote it in the hopes of sending positive messages and encouraging younger readers, (including my future children) to believe in themselves and their abilities. I think we all are much more capable of great things than we think we are. We all too often allow our ego’s to use fear to tell us what we shouldn’t do, or what we are not capable of. But guess what my friends, that voice in your head is just a warped version of you that your fear has created. It is not real and YOU can conquer it. You can be the hero of your own story and crush the darkness that surrounds you. All you have to do is believe.

I have to quote one of my favorite fictional characters here, my pal, Kermit the Frog, “Life is a journey, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending. We’ve done just what we’ve set out to do. Thanks to the lovers, the dreamers and you!!”

So keep dreaming, keep trying, when blocks get in your way and slow you down, ask the universe for help and watch for signs of people who are being sent to help you. I truly believe that this happens. I believe that there are people that we meet in life, not accidentally at all. People we are meant to meet because they are meant to help us on our life’s journey. I have many people that fit that description in my life, (they know who they are ;) ) They helped teach me and helped me to believe in myself. I had to learn to keep trusting that even if it didn’t seem like it at the time, when the rejections were rolling in, eventually, this dream would come true for me. Persistence is key!

I kept trying, kept hoping and kept working to make my writing the best it could be and eventually, my dream did come true. So what now? That’s simple, I’m relishing in my happiness at seeing my dream realized, but I’m also formulating new dreams, new goals. I was standing in line at the movie theater this past weekend with a friend, waiting to see the new JK Rowling movie, Fantastic Beasts and I said to my friend, “if I don’t look at the poster, I can stand here and pretend that it’s a few years down the road and all of these people are waiting in line to see the movie, The Burden of Destiny: Elven Quest movie 1.” Like a good friend, she smiled and said, “Hey you never know!” And it’s true, you never do.

So thank you dear readers for your love and support. I hope you enjoy reading about Isobel’s life and her adventures as much as I enjoyed writing it. I can’t wait to share more with you. Please reach out to me if you have questions or comments. I look forward to chatting with you all. Until next time dear readers, keep trying to make your dreams turn into your reality and remember, writing=happiness ;).
