Using writing to help you get unstuck in life:

Using writing to help you get unstuck in life:

With 2016 coming to an end and a new year beginning it is a perfect time to reflect dear readers on what your road blocks are and how to overcome them. In the spirit of that, I have given you some tips that have worked for me in the past, enjoy and good luck.           

Do you ever feel like life is nothing but a bunch of tests thrown at you by the universe with a few positive moments placed in-between to make you feel that all is not lost? I think this is probably true for most people. You may look around and say, “Well I have it better than those people so I can’t complain.” Or you may say, “No one has it as bad as me and no one understands.” Both thoughts are valid but not really true. For case one, just because some people have it worse than you in your opinion that doesn’t make what you are going through any less painful. Give credit where credit is due. You are dealing with some tough stuff, admit that and feel proud of yourself for admitting it.
            In case two maybe you do have it extremely bad right now but does that mean that no one will be able to empathize with you? True, they may not know exactly what you are going through but they can still listen to you, feel for you, and help you if you let them. 

We are supposed to be learning lessons by living on this earth right? So what are these tough things that you are going through trying to teach you? 
what am I supposed to learn?

Writing may help you figure out what you are supposed to be learning and it may help sort through your feelings and help you gain more empowerment over your life.

You are probably saying, “But I’m not a writer.” You don’t need to be. Do you have a pen and paper? Then you can write. How do you start? Why should you write?
1.)    Are your emotions running wild lately? Do you constantly have thoughts that you would like to verbalize or things you wish you could say to people? Write them all down. Doing an emotional “dump” on a blank piece of paper can feel very freeing, almost like once it’s written down it is let go from your soul and mind. This leaves room for positive thoughts, feelings and messages from the universe to flow in.
2.)    Have you recently had a fight or disagreement with someone and walked away before you said all that you needed to say? Do you have things you wish you could say to one person, your significant other, your boss, your co-worker, your parents? Write them a “letter” saying exactly what you think and feel, in the end it is up to you whether you want to share it with them. Even if you shred it or burn it the act of writing it down can help free you of these plaguing thoughts and feelings.
3.)    I believe that you can ask advice from the universe to help you on your life’s path. Most people do this through meditating, but you can also do it through writing. Start by doing some deep breathing and trying to calm your mind. Write down a question or an issue that you want guidance for or just write general guidance. Try to be calm and listen with your mind. Write down whatever comes to you, words, feelings, colors or pictures, without judgment do not even think about what you are writing just write it down. Then you can re-read what you wrote and look for patterns and links to find clarity.
4.)    Journaling/blogging- Keep a journal or writing blogs on different topics can be a great way to express yourself and physically see your ideas take shape. In the case of blogging it can help you gain feedback from others and feel like they understand and that you are not alone in what you are going through. It can even be helpful for simple things like if you want to buy a certain item but don’t know where to look. Sometimes asking others via the internet is a great way to get ideas that you never thought of. So explore what’s out there. These sites are a great way to put your opinion out there and have your voice heard.
5.)    Writing to clarify dreams-I am lucky in that I always have very vivid dreams and I always remember them but I often have a hard time figuring out what they mean. Once, I was feeling lost in with my life and at that time I had a reoccurring dream that I was in a house that I didn’t recognize. It was dark, and I was afraid because I could feel another presence there that I couldn’t see but I could feel it watching me. As I walked through the dark house I suddenly felt a tug upwards and the invisible thing lifted me in the air by my shirt and pulled me up to the ceiling. Not only could I not get down my legs were waiving wildly in the air but I was also being choked by my shirt and I was grasping at it frantically. Needless to say, when I woke up from that dream I assumed it meant something terrible. I was wrong. Finally after having this dream for the third time I Googled “dream meanings” and found a website where you can look up subjects of dreams. I looked up ghosts & lifting, this is what I got.
            Ghosts-To dream that a ghost is trying to kill you implies that you are ready to confront your past and your repressed emotions, despite how painful it may be, you are ready to move forward in your life and leave the past behind. If a ghost is choking you in a dream then it means some past situation is preventing you from fully expressing yourself.
            Lift-To dream you are being lifted represents you are rising above an unpleasant situation or issue.
Whether or not this dream actually did mean those things is not the point. I felt like the descriptions were very true to what I was going through and feeling at that time. Seeing them clearly written made me feel less scared and anxious. 
            If you know you dream but have a hard time remembering them, try keeping a notebook next to your bed and a flashlight. When you wake up try to write down immediate thoughts, feelings or themes from the dream. If a certain color is vivid write that down too. Then do some exploring, look up online different websites and see what you find, it may prove very helpful.
So we can see that writing may have some good benefits and may provide some clarity when you are feeling stuck in life. So remember this…You have to choose one path or another if you see a fork in the road. One path may lead to civilization and one may lead to a dead end, you don’t know. You can ask for help before you make the decision but in the end, you are the one making the choice for which path to travel. The key is, whatever choice you make, live with that choice, accept that choice, feel proud in the knowledge that you made it and are going to continue to walk the path you chose no matter the outcome. No one is choosing for you, you are not a victim; you are an empowered person with free will to make a choice. Until next time readers, remember, writing=happiness ;)

“I totally realized fate…there IS fate, but it only takes you so far because once you’re there it is up to you to make it happen.” (Can’t Hardly Wait, the movie)
