Creating an online presence & embracing technological change:

Creating an online presence & embracing technological change:

A little while after my E-novel was published, before the prints were published, I spoke with my publisher and I gained some great insight about what my next steps were to share my author background and book details with the world. I stepped away from writing my third novel at that time and began to focus on building my social network.

I became a legitimately published author through a publishing company and that is amazing!! But what now? I thought. My book is out there for sale, how do I let the world know it is there? How do I build a readership aka a fan-base? As my publisher stated there is no one way and building a readership takes a long time, usually between 3-6 years, in fact. But there are things that I can do to help the process and it starts with utilizing this amazing thing called the internet, (perhaps you’ve heard of it. 😉)

Social networking has simply exploded in the last ten years and now, it is the fastest, easiest way to make yourself known to the world. But talk about overwhelming! There are a lot of rules and food for thought when it comes to setting up an online presence for a business venture vs a personal nature. Your presence online needs to be professional, hit many different networks and offer both, insight into who you are as an author and a person, but also allows your fans a way to communicate with you and tell you their opinions or ask questions.

I am thirty five years old and am not afraid to admit that for a while there, I flat out refused to join the “social networking craziness”. I am from a small town and the thought of communicating with millions of people scared me at first. So I had my one Facebook page and that was enough, I said. I didn’t need a Twitter or Instagram or Pintrest account…that was silly. Well…that was then. I realize now that this way of communicating and doing business is not going away. If anything, the world will continue to become more digital and more automated. So I might as well roll with the times and embrace the possibilities, especially now that I have something as amazing as a published book to offer the world. And for the record, I do consider it an offering to the world. It is my gift to others that I hope will bring them a feeling of happiness, courage and belief in doing something good to help the world we all live in and its societies thrive. That is, after all, a huge theme in my series of Elven Quest and it is something that I believe in whole heart-idly. I think it is extremely important for all of us to ask ourselves what we can do to help work cohesively with one another, even with people that you may have nothing in common with, in order to protect and help our planet and its people. We all share it. We should all be taking care of it.

More on saving the world later…back to building my social network. 😀 I decided after some research to start with an Author Facebook page, a Twitter account, a Pintrest account, an Instagram account and finally, a blog. My hope is that all of these sites will allow me to reach many different kinds of readers and share my goals, joys, news, events and also random thoughts. I hope my fans will be able to understand my process as a writer and what keeps me motivated to keep writing. I have always believed in being honest, so what you see here is the real me and I promise to keep it that way.

I do feel that there are a lot of positives to changing technology. But the technology change and the changes in communication will be difficult, I fear, for some people in the future to handle. I work, (at my day job), at a huge global corporation. We have business units all over the world and so we are always trying to embrace new technologies. I sat in a meeting today where people spoke about robotic and AI technology and their forecast for the future of the work force in all industries. I know that by 2030 the way we do business and the jobs that we do as a society, will be very different than they are now. It is going to be a mind shift and as human beings we will need to learn to embrace this change, be a part of it and keep an open mind or we will be left out. That sounds a bit scary and a bit gloom and doom, but I really believe that it is not. It is exciting to see that finally, “the way we’ve always done it” mentality will be going away and instead we’ll be asking, “how can we communicate better? How can we be faster and more efficient?” These are all great questions. I think people are going to start looking at causes and effects with a wider scope so that they’re not just focused on what they are responsible for, but also understanding how what they do affects a bigger picture.

In my novel, I feel like Isobel goes through this as well, realizing that her universe is bigger than just herself and her small town and that everyone has a part to play. They all affect the entire picture. For me, I am ready to embrace those changes and ask those bigger questions and that is why I am, for the first time, excited to embrace my social online network. It is a step in the right direction for me. 

I hope you will feel free to reach out to me on any of the social sites. It’s been a long time coming, but I’m finally ready and embracing them! Wish me luck!! J Until next time, dear readers remember, writing=happiness. ;)
