Accomplishing Goals:

I am going to get real readers and try to explain what my year has been like and why it is important to share with others. I have a 10 year long career moving around within my awesome corporate company. I have struggled with trying to find a passion for that career, as well as gaining the things that are important to me, flexibility, (so that I can spend more time with my family), money, (so that I feel financially secure), ability to be a part of other committees and do volunteer work. All of these things are important to me, along with being able to inspire others. It took me 10 years of trying, but this year I got a job in a group that allows flexibility to join as many committees and outside activities as I want to, as well as providing me the opportunity to work from home 4 days a week. It has been a game-changer for me and has allowed me to really focus on myself. I also realized after a long time struggling that just because I have a counseling background I am not equipped to counsel myself. I had issues, memories, fears, “truths”, that held me down and made my ego rule the show. I finally started seeing a therapist in September in order to address some of these things. It took me forever to admit that I should do this. It was not an easy decision to make. I have been seeing my therapist once a week for about two months and already I feel so much clearer about my needs and my desires. I understand more of my fears, where they came from and why I allowed them to walk all over me. I tell you this, (while blushing a bit,) it is not easy to admit when you need help but I refuse to hide it or apologize for it, (women do that too much!) Instead, I’ve decided to be truthful in order to hopefully help you. The truth is we all struggle sometimes in our lives, and when we work on ourselves its not a one time fixes all kind of deal, it is often something that you have to continually do, sometimes more intensely than other times and with someone else’s help.

Anyway…..through this soul searching this year a few things have come to light for me. Number one, I have realized that I want to do more in my corporate career to
help guide others. I am by nature an introvert and usually do not enjoy public speaking, especially in front of adults, (kids are a little easier.) But this year I forced myself to set a goal to improve how I feel about public speaking. I wanted to conquer my fear and be able to stand in front of a room of adults and speak professionally. I also wanted to cure my, “tone” issue which my new boss pointed out as an improvement item for me. She said that I often sounded “quiet, unsure or board” in meetings. While this was hard to hear I knew it was true. I’ve been told the same thing by others my whole life. I naturally have a quiet tone of voice and I know that especially by the end of a sentence, I tend to drop the tone even more so this comes across to others as sounding unsure of what I am saying. I knew that it was time, once and for all, to address this. It’s held me back too much. I joined a committee at work that revolves around employee engagement and providing employee programs for careers and networking. When I joined, I emailed the woman in charge of the group and said, “I’m interested in joining.” I was shocked when she said, “Great, we’ve been looking for a new co-leader of the Careers & Networking Workstream. I’m going to put you on it okay?” So….I immediately was put in a leadership position on this committee. My reaction was like the one below…..UMMM……okay?!

I jumped into this group and learned what kinds of programs they put on, how they run the group, what was expected of a leader and then was put in charge of organizing and running a career mobility fair. On top of that, I was asked to speak on a panel of only 5 people to discuss my career at the company. How I got to where I am? What did I do to move around in the company? What advice did I have for others that are trying to get a different job or manage their careers? Again, I was sort of thrown into that event. It wasn’t so much asked, it was, “so Laura you’re speaking okay?” I was so nervous to do these things. They were so much out of my comfort zone, but I told myself that the only way I would cure my fear of public speaking was to jump into the pool in the deep end, I’d either sink or swim and I knew that!

Luckily for me, I swam and swam beautifully. I felt like I was doing water ballet. 😆 It was difficult to do, but I tried to just be myself, authentic but confident. I practiced a little but told myself you can do this, just be real! After the events we received some really good feedback about both our fair and the panel discussion. If anything, people wanted us to do it more and bigger next time! I even received a request to become another employee’s mentor. She said she heard me speak and loved how passionate and authentic I was. She said she knows she wants me to be her mentor because she “loves me already!” I mean, how can I not feel good about that?! I was so pleased that she gained so much from what I said, especially because I felt so nervous. On top of this, I have been asked to speak again, this time at the Mentor Program end of the year event.

I feel like I am setting goals for myself and accomplishing those goals more and more lately. My next goal is to provide even more author advice and writing counseling to other writers or want to be writers. I am currently working on a plan to do just that and will be sharing more details with you soon. Stay tuned! 👧

So friends I hope you all set some goals for yourself, with your writing, with your careers, with your lives. Take whatever steps you can think of to accomplish those goals and do what you love! For what is life without love? You have got to love yourself my friends and believe in yourself too. Until next time remember, writing=happiness ;).
